Go Be Unstoppable

When I first wrote about grit 2 weeks ago, it was not my intention to write a 3-part series on grit. But after my first post on grit (It’s All About Grit), and thanks to some good friends and loyal readers, I came across two other great thoughts about grit – that special combination of passion and persistence. We learned last week that when you have the patience to let grit do its work, success is only a matter of time (Be Patient, Success is on the Way). And this week, we reinforce the power of grit with this quote from Ben Bergeron, “Talent without grit is just potential. Talent plus grit is unstoppable.”

There are many people who are very talented. But they don’t have the grit to stick with the task. They get defeated and give up. These talented people never reach their full potential.

But when we combine talent with passion and persistence – grit – we are unstoppable. It is a powerful combination that can help us achieve amazing things. Interestingly, to develop talent, you must be willing to work hard, to practice, to get knocked down and get back up, to make mistakes and keep moving on. Sounds a lot like grit doesn’t it? So it takes grit to develop your talent. And that same grit, when combined with the talent you develop, is unstoppable.

So now that you know the formula, go be unstoppable this week!

Thanks for reading,


P.S. – Follow me on Twitter, @jvearle, and share my blog with others who love positivity!

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